For immediate release:

(Sacramento) - Today, Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (D 16) announced the first hearings of the newly created Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health will focus on the federal government’s attack on reproductive health.  

“The new Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health is going to shine a light on the federal government’s attempt to dismantle the reproductive health safety net,” said the Chair of the Select Committee, Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan. “Reproductive health care is health care.  I am honored to have the opportunity to chair the Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Assembly and reproductive health care providers and advocates, like Planned Parenthood, to ensure that California is able to protect and expand access to essential health care services.”

The formation of the Assembly Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health comes at a crucial time. Reproductive health care continues to be under threat from the Trump Administration. Most recently, publishing the Title X Gag Rule that will harm doctors and health centers that provide abortion care, announcing the proposed “public charge” rule that closes legal paths to citizenship if immigrants purse health care, and the attempted rollback of birth control coverage under employer insurance.   

“I am proud to support the creation of the Assembly Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health. As the federal government works to roll back reproductive rights, in California we are moving forward,” said Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon. “Access to reproductive health care will give more Californians the opportunity to plan their families, contribute to their communities, and reach for their dreams.”

The Select Committee is already planning an investigative hearing in June to discuss the public health ramifications and consequences of the Title X Gag Rule and other dangerous federal proposals. 

“While the Trump Administration gags and defunds—the California Legislature delivers,” said Crystal Strait, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. “Access to comprehensive reproductive health care is essential to overall health and wellbeing. Planned Parenthood is excited about the creation of the Assembly Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health and is thankful for California’s bold leadership to advancing reproductive health care.”


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