There are steps we can all take to help prepare and protect our homes and families from wildfires. If you are affected by wildfires, know that there are partners in all levels of government ready to help.
Provided within this webpage is information about preparing for wildfire as well as resources from other organizations in the community. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at (925) 244-1600.

For more information on how to prepare for a disaster, download our brochure:
Sign up for emergency and fire-related alerts to your cell phone or home phone from your counties’ emergency alert systems:
- If you live in Contra Costa County: To register to receive fire evacuation alerts (and other emergency alerts) from Contra Costa County’s Community Warning System (CWS), please go online to this link:
- If you live in Alameda County: To register to receive fire evacuation alerts (and other emergency alerts) from Alameda County’s emergency alert system, please go online to this link:
Additional Preparedness Resources
- California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
- California Fire Safe Council
- American Red Cross
Evacuation Information
In the event of a fire, you may be asked to evacuate your home. During an evacuation, you might be directed to temporary assembly areas before transfer to a safe location. Please refer to the resources below to find the appropriate evacuation zone and temporary assembly areas for yourself and your family.
Evacuation Zone Maps and Temporary Assembly Areas for San Ramon, Danville, Alamo residents:
Evacuation Zones for Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and Lamorinda residents (will list temporary assembly areas in case of evacuation):
For further information regarding what to do to prepare for an evacuation and how to proceed during a wildfire evacuation, please visit the CAL FIRE website at
PG&E information and resources
We want you to know that we are working hard to push PG&E about the reliability and safety of its service, especially given the outages over the past years in parts of the district. We are also working with our law enforcement and fire departments to ensure that individuals with medical needs are taken care of. Your safety is our number one priority, but PG&E also needs to ensure reliable service. Please keep reading for important resources.
General Wildfire Safety Program Information
Call 1-866-743-6589
Public Safety Power Shutoffs
Sign up for updates related to fire safety power shut offs here, and learn more about if where you live might experience a shutoff at
You can contact PG&E to inquire about when your power will be restored after a shutoff by calling 1-800-743-5002 or by visiting
Update your contact information to ensure you receive power outage alerts at
Medical Baseline Program
If you or someone you know relies on medical equipment that uses electricity, consider signing up for the PG&E Medical Baseline program. This will ensure that you get extra time to make arrangements in the case of a shutoff. To find out more, visit or call 1-800-743-5000.
In the Event of Power Shutoff
EBMUD has staged generators at critical facilities in preparation for a PSPS event. EBMUD strike teams are mobilizing now to maintain continuous operations during this period. They are asking customers in the affected areas to conserve water by reducing indoor water use and shutting off outdoor irrigation.
Customers can use the map of affected areas at to determine if they will be impacted by the shutoff. They will provide up-to-date information on and on social media pages.
BART Service
BART should have uninterrupted service, and BART stations in affected areas will be running on generators. Some stations might have intermittent power outages, affecting elevators, escalators, and lights. You can sign-up for alerts at
Traffic Safety
Most traffic lights will go out once battery backup is exhausted. Treat all depowered traffic signals as a four way stop. Drive slow and be cautious when using depowered intersections.
School Districts
Most school districts have stated that they will remain open if possible and as long as it is a safe and healthy environment for children. The best source of information about school closures is your school district website and social media pages.
Assistance for Elderly and Infirm
Police will conduct welfare checks by request through calls to the nonemergency number, but please check on your elderly and infirm neighbors, friends and family to take some of the stress off of Police Services during the PSPS.
Vegetation Management
You can register a complaint or get more information about vegetation management by calling 1-800-743-5000 or visiting
North Orinda Shaded Fuel Break Information
The North Orinda Shaded Fuel Break project was approved for implementation and work on this project is underway. This 14 mile long fuel break is located along the northern boundary of Moraga, Orinda, and Lafayette. The project area extends from the eastern portions of Tilden Regional Park to Pleasant Hill Road near Acalanes High School This area is currently “High” and “Very High” fire hazard because of decades of fuel load build-up and seasonal hot, dry winds.
This project is necessary to protect approximately 560,000 residents in 30 communities near the Fuel Break location. The fuel break will also protect residential water supply, endangered species habitat, recreational areas, power transmission lines that support much of the Bay Area, and telecommunication towers. It will also give firefighting resources the upper hand when combating wildfire in the future. CAL FIRE has incorporated protection of the environment into the design of this project.