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Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan Passes First Bills off the Assembly Floor Focusing on Gun Safety and Protections for Human Trafficking Victims

AB 1735 & AB 1292 received unanimous, bipartisan support and  head to the Senate for consideration

(Sacramento) – Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (D-Orinda) passed the first two bills of her freshman legislative session out of the Assembly unanimously. These bills focus on gun safety and expanding protections for human trafficking victims.

“I’m thrilled to have such overwhelming support from my colleagues on my very first bills heard on the Assembly Floor. California is one step closer to giving much needed protections to human trafficking victims and to closing significant loopholes in the current practice on how firearms are transferred” said Bauer-Kahan.

Bauer-Kahan Takes Oath as Newest Assemblymember for District 16

(Sacramento) – Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (D-Orinda) took the oath of office to serve as the Assemblymember for the 16th Assembly District today in a ceremony at the California State Capitol. The oath was administered by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.